Tag Archives: Scripture

Isaac’s Side


Genesis 22:8-14 Isaac finds himself atop an altar.

I’ve often wondered about Isaac’s side of the story. Here is a boy that trusts his father implicitly. And asks him in all innocence- Father, where is the offering? And his father says- oh it’s coming…don’t you worry. 
Then he allows his Dad to bind him and place him on the altar. What in the world do think was going through that kids head?! I know the thoughts running thought my head had I been in Isaac’s place….my dads nuts, what am I doing here? What’d I do wrong? But isaac just allowed. What tremendous faith. What is the back story here? What is Isaac’s story? How did this affect his psyche after the fact? Did he distrust? Did he wrestle with his feelings in the depths of the night? Or did God lay it to rest for him? 
Do I trust God with ALL my heart? So much so that I would sacrifice those nearest and dearest to me? Or is that where I draw the proverbial line in the sand?

Those That Will Inherit the Earth

In “Golden Boy’s” dedication, I was asked to choose a scripture to put on his certificate.  That scripture is 1Tim 4:12-Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young.  But set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, faith and purity.

I chose it, never having heard it before, but it struck a chord.  He is the last, the youngest to complete this family circle.  He has two older brutes for siblings, and a doting sister.  He has an uphill battle proving himself to those three merely for the fact of his birth order.   For those reasons I felt it important to impart to him that even though he will go through life fighting the stigma of “little bro”.  Heck Joseph(ya know- the one with the coat) was one of the youngest of his brothers and he ended up being a great and wise leader.

This morning I came across the following and thought it fit perfectly.  I spend alot of time praying for my children’s health, their comfort, their well being. Then I spend a lot of time HOPING they will grow up knowing God, HOPING they will have integrity, HOPING they will respect others…but have I ever prayed for it?  Seems like I’ve been missing the point the entire time.

Graphic found on pinterest

Thanks for walking with me.
